Together with the Council we’re excited to announce the roll out of a new more efficient fleet of vehicles.
While we’ve been busy improving refuse, recycling and garden waste collection activities it’s over the next few weeks that things are set to improve drastically with the introduction of new vehicles.
As a Council owned company we employ over 300 local people, operating over 100 frontline collection vehicles, and provide a service to every resident across the borough at least once per week. To improve the service we provide the Council have invested in vehicles which are already improving both collections and the impact on the environment.
Improvements so far, such as the electric bin lifts and hydraulics, have already contributed to significantly reducing fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions. Furthermore, with the planned phasing in of Hydrogenised Vegetable Oil (HVO), as a replacement for traditional diesel, carbon emissions will be reduced further.
There are three new types of vehicles:
- The Twinpack RCVs, these vehicles are bigger and therefore much more efficient when collecting recycling because more can be collected in one vehicle meaning there’s less downtime.
- The new dedicated Food Waste Vehicle enables a larger number of food caddies to be collected without the collection vehicle having to manoeuvre smaller residential roads. This increases safety for all and less disruption for residents.
- In addition, the new Rotapress vehicles, used to collect both garden and domestic waste, bring with them a whole host of advantages over the traditional bin wagons that mean the service delivered is more fuel efficient and there’s less risk of breakdowns meaning ultimately the service is more reliable and consistent for residents of Cheshire West and Chester are minimised.
All new vehicles are also being fitted with defibrillators ensuring access to this lifesaving equipment is available in an emergency on the streets of west Cheshire. If used within the first four minutes of a cardiac arrest defibrillators can give the casualty a huge increase in the chance of survival.