Purpose and Scope
Our Approach
This is the health and safety policy statement for Cheshire West Recycling Ltd (CWR), it is owned by the Managing Director and sets out the commitment to the management of health and safety for CWR.
Our Commitment
- The health, safety and wellbeing of our workforce is our top priority and we are committed to providing the provision of safe and healthy working conditions.
- We do not accept that accidents are inevitable. We are committed to eliminate hazards and reduce all health and safety risks as well as meeting all legal and regulatory requirements.
- We will constantly strive for continual improvement and bring innovative practices into the workplace to protect our people.
The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for health and safety at CWR and is supported by a Health, Safety Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Manager.
The management of health and safety is a responsibility for all employees and the Managing Director will hold his/her senior management accountable for the management of health and safety within their business areas.
CWR will include specific health and safety responsibilities for all employees within their job descriptions and general responsibilities are set out within the health and safety standards.
Risk Management
We carry out risk assessments to ensure that the correct risk controls are in place to minimise the risk of injury.
Information, Instruction and Training
We provide our employees with the correct information, instruction and training to carry out their tasks safely.
Consultation and Communication
We are an inclusive organisation who consults with employees and encourages open and transparent communication.
Incident Management
We record all incidents and report all ill health, incidents, dangerous occurrences and near misses to implement recommendations to prevent reoccurrence.
ISO 45001
We will work to a management system for health andsafety that meets the ISO 45001 standard.
We will provide sufficient resources to implement this policy.
Health and safety objectives are set annually by the Senior Leadership Team and approved by the Board.